Fowler Benjamin Hamilton 








Fowler Benjamin Hamilton

was born December 30, 1887

in Elmo, Missouri 

Fowler along with Lark Bailey and Ernest Scott took out Homestead Act Claims in 1909 in Eastern Colorado.  In the fall of 1910 Fowler went back to Elmo, Missouri and married Beatrice Lamar.  Fowler and Bea took their belongings and rode the train to Sligo, Colorado to their homestead.

Fowler and Anna Beatrice Lamar Hamilton 

Married September 14, 1910

Fowler and Bea Hamilton's home on the dryland 

Their first daughter Helen was born on the dryland

Fowler and Bea moved back to Missouri

Helen and Frances Hamilton 

Frances, Ruth and Helen Hamilton 

Helen, Frances and Ruth Hamilton 

Fowler, Helen, Ruth, Frances and Bea Hamilton

Frances, Bea, Ruth, Fowler and Helen Hamilton 

Helen Hamilton 

Helen and Bud Phillips on their wedding day

27 July 1933  

Ethel Phillips and Cathy Thompson Reyes 

Richard and Ethel Phillips 

Helen and Bud Phillips in 1967 

Dick and Keith Phillips 

Katrina Phillips Thernall

Anne Phillips Lindquist

Keith's daughters 

Frances Hamilton 

Frances and Emery Spangler 

Emery and Frances as teens


Emery and Frances in Phoenix


Donna Spangler Pierpoint and Joyce Spangler Ecker 

 Ruth Hamilton McCumber and Family

Ruth Hamilton McCumber and Family

Jim and Maxine Dinsdale, Anita and Ed McCumber, Nancy and Mike Obert

Ruth and Bonnie  

Fowler and Bea Hamilton's descendants at the 2001 Hamilton Family Reunion

Keith Phillips, Ethel Phillips, Gary Ecker, Burdette Pierpoint, Susan and Terry Ecker, Jim Dinsdale, Mike Obert

Vickie and Joyce Ecker, Donna Pierpoint, Ruth McCumber, Bonnie Gray, Maxine Dinsdale, Nancy Obert


Keith Phillips and his Mom - Helen Phillips 

Gary Ecker and daughter Vickie 

Left lower corner....Keith and Dick Phillips, Maxine Dinsdale, Nancy Obert 

Bonnie Gray, Joyce Ecker and Donna Pierpoint

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