The 2016 Hamilton Family Reunion was held in
Elmo, Missouri on June 24-26th

Our first evening we had a fried chicken dinner in the basement of Elmo's Methodist church.
Saturday at the Elmo Park we had a pancake breakfast, a Kids' Fun Run, Baby show, games and music.
...And of course a parade.

Janet, Karen and Scott Hamilton (Bob Hamilton kids) visiting the Art Hamilton farmhouse.

Then back to the park for a great July 4 fireworks show.

        Lisa VanSickle, Karen Hamilton, Scott Hamilton,                Ruth Anna Snodderley, Bob Hamilton, Lucille VanSickle
        Bob Hamilton, Lucille VanSickle, Janet Hamilton                                          Art Hamilton's kids

                  Bob & Sue Hamilton, Judy & Steve Snodderley, Scott Hamilton,

                Karen Hamilton, Jim VanSickle, Janet Hamilton, Herb Snodderley,                                                            bunches of kids

                               Lucille VanSickle, William Sampler

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