Charles Victor Hamilton 

 Charles Victor Hamilton was first married to Bessie Mack in 1893.

Louise, Charles Victor, Ruth, Verna and Bessie Hamilton

Bessie died in childbirth in 1902.

 Verna Hamilton

Verna married Mack Hargrove

Frank, Verna, Ralph, Mack and Frances Hargrove

 Ruth married Armin Groeneman

 In 1904 Charles Victor Hamilton married Louella "Loie" Beager.

In addition to Ruth and Verna, the Hamilton's added 7 children to the family. 

Louise Hamilton passed away in 1903.

Charles Victor Jr, Mary, Ruth, Laura, Charles Victor Sr, Georgia, Verna, Loie, Clara, Alberta and Grace.

 Mary, Laura, Clara, Grace

Charles Victor Jr, Georgia and Alberta Hamilton

Charles Victor and Loie Hamilton

 The Hamilton Farm near Miami, Oklahoma

"Sunny Slope Farm" in 1945

Charles Victor Hamilton Jr was the only son of Charles Victor Hamilton Sr.

Many of these pictures came from him.

Charles Victor Hamilton's Grandchildren in 2010 

 Back Row: Frances Hargrove Kissee, Jerry Jones, Janice Groeneman, Warren Groeneman, Fred Jones

            Front Row:  Mary Ruth Groeneman Harner, Mary Ann Hamilton Presley, Vicki Hamilton Cochran, Phyllis Jones Coonts, Linda Jones Womack.

Charles Victor Hamilton's family at the Hamilton Family Reunion 

in 2004

 Back Row:  Mark Womack, Fred Jones, Joan Jones, Jerry Jones

Front Row:  Linda Jones Womack, Janice Groeneman, Francis Hargrove Kissee, Sherry Jones

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