Arthur Campbell Hamilton 

Beatrice Campbell and Arthur Hamilton

Married on September 4, 1919 

They are the parents of 3 children

Art and Bea Hamilton 

Bob and Lucille Hamilton 


 Ruth Anna, Robert and Lucille Hamilton

Ruth Anna Hamilton Snodderley
at the 2010 Hamilton Reunion

Scott and Bob Hamilton, Janet Hamilton Geier
at the 2010 Reunion
Lucille Hamilton Vansickle and Sue Hamilton
at the 2010 Reunion

Art and Bea Hamilton Family at the 2001 Hamilton Family Reunion 

Art and Bea Hamilton's Family at the 2004 Hamilton Reunion

Judy and Steve Snodderley, Vanessa Snodderley, Brooke and Ryan Kinsella, Jim and Carl Vansickle

Allen and Caitlin Vansickle. Ruth Anna Snodderley, Lucille Hamilton Vansickle, Bob and Sue Hamilton

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